Looking to the future with the 2022 INDE.Summit

  •   25 July 2022

In the final panel session of the INDE.Summit we will explore the idea of Future Cities & Utopias. Over the last two years much has changed in our lives. There have been sharp learning curves and architecture and design has stepped up to meet the challenges and present solutions. However, what is next for our cities and indeed what will they look like in five or ten-years-time?

With an expert panel moderated by Dr Nicole Lesley Gardner, from UNSW, this session will investigate the alternatives and
crystal ball gaze into the future to discuss just what our cities will look like in the future.

Such areas of discussion will include,

– Exploring how cities will be “used” in the future.
– With many people moving to country areas and the regions, investigate the change to our cities and how this will manifest in real terms for planning and amenity.
– Discuss master plans for communities, those that are successful now and can adapt for the future.
– How technology will impact the design of cities.
– Investigate how data will inform planning.
– What clients are asking for and expecting in design now.

The diverse panel be moderated by Dr. Nicole Gardner and will comprise,

Jade Kake, Director, Matakohe Architecture & Urbanism, New Zealand/Aotearoa

Florian Heinzelmann, Principal, SHAU, Singapore

Kirsten Bauer, Director, ASPECT Studios, Australia

Chan Ee Mun, Director, WOHA, Singapore

This is certain to be a must-see session and we look forward to seeing you virtually at the INDE.Summit on 3rd August.


Future Cities & Utopias is the final panel at the INDE.Summit, beginning at 3pm AEST. Reserve your tickets here.


