INDE. Summit - Program Details

Keynote – Dr Eduard Hovy

Dr Eduard Hovy is the Executive Director of Melbourne Connect (a research and tech transfer centre at the University of Melbourne), a professor at the University of Melbourne’s School of Computing and Information Systems, and a research professor at the Language Technologies Institute in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.

As the 2023 INDE.Summit keynote speaker he will explore the reality that is our future. In the past year there has been an explosion of information with relation to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it will impact our lives. But what does this really look like? Should we be fearful or is this something to embrace? Eduard will paint a picture of the future that is now upon us and explore how technology will inform the way life, and in turn the processes of design, will respond .


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Dr. Eduard Hovy

University of Melbourne


