How to build community through housing

  •   7 July 2023

Current pressures on housing are well known and well covered. From depleting housing stocks to increased costs of living (and the causality between these), many of us and our networks are affected by the state of housing across the region and the globe. While these pressures have difficult paths to solutions, they also hold inherent potential, giving us the opportunity to reframe our thinking and present alternatives that focus not merely on shelter but on placemaking, community and connectivity.

Join us at the upcoming INDE.Summit on August 9 for a deep dive into the future of housing, where current paradigms will be challenged and questioned and our panel of experts will drive your inspiration with new visions of what regional housing models could look like.

Uncover pathways to access and affordability and challenge your thinking as we explore possibilities for metropolitan and rural housing. We’ll consider how dramatic changes in population distribution are shifting wants and needs, and how architecture and design should respond to people that are more transient than ever before. Importantly, we will also discuss the intersection of housing and community and how challenges around stock and affordability can also provide space to address resilience and create spaces for people to connect and to invest in the world around them.

Our panellists will bring diverse experience and expertise as they share examples and plans from different corners of the regions. Moderator Jeremy Smith (Irving Smith Architects) will lead a session featuring speakers David Teh (PRA), Nigel Morris (SJB) Emma McInnes (The Urban Advisory) and Sonali Rastogi (Morphogenesis) to cover areas including build to rent, urbanism, placemaking and equitable architecture.

As part of the INDE.Summit program, this session – Housing: Community And Connecting In Places We Live – will be presented as an interactive digital event, meaning you can engage with your peers, ask questions, and network no matter where you’re located across the globe. 

Register now! 

The INDE.Summit is a digital event to be held on Wednesday August 9, 2023. Registration is free and gives you access to a full day of panels and presentations. The Summit will be followed by the annual INDE.Awards Gala on Thursday August 10 which will be held in Sydney, Australia and broadcast live around the globe. Register for your free digital ticket now.


