Lee Chin-Wei is the Partner of Bio-architecture Formosana (BaF) in Taipei and an adjunct professor (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology). He worked in Singapore for a few years before he moved to Taiwan in 2013. He has involved in a range of architectural projects spanning cultural, residential, healthcare, commercial and institutional. He was the design lead for several circularity projects, such as the Taisugar Circular Village, a Housing for Elderly and the Sky Park @ Taipei 101, an interior shared public space on a high rise. Chin-Wei drives the research and innovation arm at BaF which provides for design integration with sustainability, future-proof, and end user experience. During the recent pandemic, the team came up with QURE, the Quarantine Unit for Recovery and Ecology, a prototype of a mobile negative-pressure ward for Covid-19 patient and it was constructed at the NCKU Hospital where the design manual is made open-source. He also chairs the Taiwan Architect Declare committee that connects Taiwan with the global architecture community on the solution to address climate and biodiversity emergency.