23 August 2023
As the winner of The Influencer category at the 2023 INDE.Awards, Angsila Oyster Scaffolding Pavilion by Chat Architects with Angsila Oyster Scaffolding Studio at International Program in Design and Architecture (INDA), Chulalongkorn University is not only sustainable but beautiful in its form.
As The Influencer is a category that showcases new ideas and represents progressive architecture and design in our region, this project in Thailand is impressive as a building that brings the community together and creates a destination for the area.
With sustainability key to The Influencer, the partner of the category is K5 Furniture. As a company that believes in creating a better environment for everyone, sustainability is intrinsic in all that it does – whether researching new materials for products or designing and supplying furniture that is authentic and made for longevity. K5 Furniture understands that architecture and design that puts people, place and culture first will make a difference around the globe.
The 2023 INDE.Awards jury responded to the project saying, “Angsila Oyster Scaffolding Pavilion is both beautifully designed and highly sustainable. Sensitive to the surrounding landscape and cultural context, it rises from the water to become a visual landmark that is helping to re-invigorate the local economy while providing a unique place to gather.”
Angsila Oyster Scaffolding Pavilion is located in an historic coastal fishing village of Angsila in Thailand, once a thriving fishing town. However, over the past three years with ocean pollution and market disruption, a new direction for living was required.
Encapsulating the idea of ‘sea-to-table’, the pavilion becomes a floating restaurant where fishermen and visitors can select their own oysters for consumption.
The structure utilises the traditional bamboo scaffolding used for oyster and mussel cultivation and was constructed by Angsila fishermen employing native shallow-ocean bamboo techniques that require no power tools.
Each bamboo column is driven into the ocean floor and then they are tied together with rejected car seatbelts. Overhead, a red agricultural tarpaulin shades visitors from the sun and allows the sea breeze to cool the pavilion.
Congratulations to Chat Architects with Angsila Oyster Scaffolding Studio at International Program in Design and Architecture (INDA), Chulalongkorn University for an original and outstanding solution to an environmental challenge. Using local materials and building this unique structure for the community is a wonderful template for other countries to follow.
Missed the INDE.Awards gala or just want to relive the highlights? Simply follow this link and sit back and enjoy the only regional celebration of architecture and design excellence.
Photography: W Workspace