Como Mirror
Beatrix Rowe Product Design with Grazia & Co
The functional, versatile Como Mirror is made for reflection and also features a series of hooks to display, store and hang the object. It can be placed in a hallway, an entrance, in bathrooms and dressing rooms or simply become a sculptural piece on a wall.
Como Mirror bridges the gap for a functional and sculptural piece that is simple in form, versatile within diverse interior environments and locally is manufactured. The individual components are hand finished, and every attempt has been made to avoid wastage by ensuring maximum yield and economic use of materials.
The form of Como Mirror is not trend driven but encourages longevity as a remedy to the throw away culture. The pieces are versatile and therefore when moved, relocated or repositioned, offer the user a chance to re-engage and to appreciate the object over a lifetime or passed down through generations.
The Como Mirror is manufactured locally using local raw materials that allows for a direct line of production to remain uninterrupted from the production through to delivery deadlines. By rethinking and focusing on collaboration, there is also a conscious focus to develop a strong sense of community through nurturing local relationships where knowledge is shared, skills intertwined and support provided only to result in better design outcomes.
Photography: Courtesy of Grazia & Co