Living Shelter
The Living Shelter is an affordable collapsible capsule, easy to ship, assemble and dismantle in any kind of tropical environment. As world citizens and professional architects and engineers based in Singapore, WY-TO felt the urge to support the populations affected by these catastrophes. They decided to use their skills to create a shelter solution designed specifically for the climate, geography, and cultural habits of Southeast Asia. The Living Shelter is an affordable collapsible capsule, easy to ship and assemble in any kind of tropical environment.
Inspired by the typical South-East Asia ‘kampung’ house, the Living Shelter is designed with openings that ensure natural ventilation. The engineering system provides sturdiness and adaptability to hot and humid weather conditions. Living Shelter is a response to the emergency and transitional phases. Moreover, all components and system can be easily dismantled and reused separately in an entire new building on a more durable term.
The Living Shelter offers not only privacy and security, but also basic needs such as electricity, water and furniture. It includes a water bag for water collection, a built-in solar panel on the roof to charge phone and provide light, and built-in foldable furniture such as bed, hammocks, shelves, plus portable furniture. All conveniently packed in a flat pack. The concept can be easily developed and adapted to other climate context. By fulfilling the basic needs of dwelling, this ergonomic, safe and durable shelter would effectively ease the burden of the affected populations during the disaster relief process.