Rohan Gemin Buddhipala

University of Sydney

As an investigation into Queerness, this project pairs bathing and eating to reveal and celebrate intimacy and sensuality. Drawing from the cultural history of Oxford Street, Sydney, the project employs the literal underground to conceal and reveal, blurring the boundaries of public and private space to push the participant to experience their body in a new way.

The project is unique in its design as it repositions the role of architecture in a new light that can shape the culture of cities in a more human-oriented approach. It incorporates the theory of liberation through a dessert bar and bathhouse as a way to challenge the social and cultural norms of pleasure and how we obtain them as a call to rethink how rapidly growing urban fabrics are made and developed.

The purpose of the design is to connect communities to one another, people to each other and individuals to themselves and it essentially sets a blueprint to how cities should be planned and developed.

Cities should be built and enhanced by focusing on the cultures that made the current site so important to Australian history. By embracing what is so unique within urban fabrics, in the case of Oxford Street, its sensuality and freedom of expression, we unlock people’s ability to explore, challenge, and contribute to the cultural growth of Sydney.