Speaker Profile

Dr. Davina Jackson

Dr. Davina Jackson

Dr Davina Jackson is an international writer of books, exhibitions and websites on architecture, technology and urban geography themes. She was a writer and stylist for Vogue Living, Belle and other design magazines during the 1980s; edited Architecture Australia from 1992 to 2000, and was a founder of Sydney’s Vivid light festival in 2008-09. After a masters degree and multi-disciplinary design professorship at the University of New South Wales, she guest-lectured at MIT, Cambridge, TU Munich and other universities in America, Europe and Asia. Her publications earned a PhD from the University of Kent in 2019 and fellowships of the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Society of Arts and the Royal Society of New South Wales. She is now a visiting scholar with the Cambridge Department of Architecture. Her latest book is Australian Architecture: A History (Allen & Unwin, 2022).


